Saturday, June 1, 2013

Quick Update 6-1-13....

The doctor called yesterday with our MRI readings. The lung volume is 28%, which is basically the same as the last volume. The radiologist did say that he seems to be seeing more lung on the left side then he did on the previous scan, and the doctor filling in for Dr.  Vlastos said that with this 'stability' and a good LHR he thinks we have no reason to change our thinking of moving forward with out the EXIT procedure. All of my family, friends, and even the doctor seem to see this as great news... and I guess they are right that stability is always a good thing. I guess I was just hoping for that miracle to happen now, I was wanting the results to be in the 50's or 60's. I need to stop focusing on the numbers game and realize that my miracle is already happening every time he kicks me or rolls around in my belly. I need to think that my miracle will occur when he is here and gets to come home with us as a healthy, precious baby boy.
I just think that I cling on to these numbers or readings they give us because I need to know what to expect, what we are up against. I need to start listening when the specialists and other families that have been through this tell me 'we will not know until he is here'... I am about frustrated with the waiting game!!!!!!!! Do not get me wrong, this is all so hard and devastating but I am so sick of the phrase 'we will see you next week and go from there'. These men and women that are treating us are the most phenomenal people and I know they are doing everything they can to get my baby here healthy and to support me and my family through this difficult time, it still just feels like a mind game to me  (an internal one, they are not causing this at all!). Any other CDH moms feel this way? Or, get confused with the all the readings?? I cannot wrap my head around a good, increasing LHR with such a low lung volume. And maybe this is why I am not a perinatologist ; ) (Thank God for people like Dr. Vlastos and his team everyday!!)... my nurse instincts are just so strong and I want to know and understand all of this inside and out and I am struggling!
On a lighter note, we had our maternity pictures taken last night and the ones I have so far are absolutely amazing and make me yearn for pictures with our little man!! We also have tickets to this evenings Cards game and it is CDH awareness night at the ball park, very much looking forward to this : )
Until next time.....

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