Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Appt Update... 37 Weeks 3 days

Today's appointment was a little different then the others. I am not being seen at FCI/Cardinal Glennon anymore for the remainder of the pregnancy. I am now being seen by my fetal maternal medicine doctor's (Dr. Vlasots still) office. The ultra sound was different, but we got a lot of 3D pictures which is always fun!! The LHR went down to 1.96 : ( , but Dr. Vlastos reassured me that this measurement is very subjective and is much harder to calculate as the pregnancy progresses. The BPP was again 8/8 , little man was practice breathing during the whole ultra sound : ) We also had another great NST and the fluid levels are great as well. After I heard the LHR, I was scared and discouraged... I'm not going to lie. After thinking about this for a while and replaying the doctors words 'these measurements are subjective' or 'they get harder to measure as the pregnancy progresses' or 'these are good "predictors" but every baby is different and does not play by the rules or ad hear to the "predictors"' I think I have finally given in. I want to believe that Wyatt is his own person already and no matter what those numbers say, or no matter how many times I tell myself not to get my hopes up he has his own story to tell and God has his own plan for him... regardless of numbers or measurements. That is one of the hardest hurdles for me thus far. I have been clinging to those numbers and running them trough my head non stop since the first day my doctor told me that something wasn't right and I have to quit focusing on numbers and focus on my son!!
Dr. Vlastos does not think we are candidates for an EXIT procedure and still thinks that we are safe to deliver vaginally at St. Mary's, stabilize Wyatt there in the NICU, and then transfer him to Cardinal Glennon to start our CDH journey. I was not dilated today, but was 50% effaced. If I do not go into labor on my own, I will have one more appointment on the 12th and then if still no labor I will be admitted on the 16th for an overnight induction at 39 weeks exactly.
So another week of waiting now... oh I hope I can keep my little man in so his lungs can grow but I am so ready!!! I cannot believe I am saying this because it makes my stomach turn to think of what he will have to go through, of the LONG, HARD road we have ahead of us, but I am ready to do this!!! I am ready to see my son in person, not on a screen... I am ready to begin this journey and see what God has planned for us...
When I got home from my appointment, I had a package waiting for me... It is my tote bag from the Cherubs foundation. It is the sweetest, most generous gift! It has so much helpful information, fun baby stuff, and a lot of awareness items that I will wear proudly! There is an insert in one of the folders that is called 'Welcome to Holland' and it is a metaphor for having a baby with a birth defect. It compared it to planning an extravagant trip to Italy but showing up in Holland instead and having to change your plans and mind set... But in the end it shows how Holland can compare, and even out do Italy. It may sound cheesy to some people, but this small little insert truly makes me feel blessed to have Wyatt... no matter what. We are going to have such an awesome, fun, extraordinary trip in Holland... I am ready!!!!!!!
Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Hilary
    Thank you for sharing. ! I know this journey has been very difficult for you. But, know God is the creator of Wyatt and he chose you and Kevin to be his parents. You are receiving a precious gift and you will be blessed through good and bad. I am lifting you and Kevin and Wyatt in my prayers. May God provide you with strength, courage , and peace knowing that Wyatt is precious and loved.
