Thursday, June 27, 2013

Update: Round three... 8 days old

Wyatt is out of surgery, resting. What they thought was the antral web was not... Wyatt yet again surprised everyone, even the doctors. There are bands that wrap around the tissues connecting the stomach and the intestines. These bands were folding the stomach over when it would fill up with air. These bands were cut during surgery, his appendix was removed, and a G tube (tube directly in his stomach for feedings if needed) was placed. He seems to be in a little bit of pain right now because his heart rate is up, and this breaks my heart. They gave him a bolus of pain medicine and will continue this through the night. They have started to ween his ventilator for right now but if this becomes difficult because of the pain medicine he is receiving, we may have to wait until tomorrow or Saturday to take the vent completely away. Like I said before, it stinks to have to start over again with all of these steps he has already conquered but I am just so thankful that he is out of the surgery and hopefully the problem is fixed this time!!
I cannot tell you how hard today and yesterday have been for us as a family. I know my husband is getting stir crazy just being here, let alone the stress of everything happening to our son. I am a wreck at times, dealing with sleepiness from no rest and pain medications plus the stresses and fears of having a sick child. Other times, I am peaceful when he is doing good and things look stable. I think this is the hardest part for both of us, not know what the next hour, not day, but hour will bring. I get comfortable when he is doing good and then I am pulled to a screeching halt when I think of everything that has happened in the last week and everything that still could potentially happen.
I used to think my dream was to get married, have a nice home, and have lots of children to fill that home with.This is still my dream, but I never imagined that this 'dream' would include getting him out of the NICU bed into his own crib at home... I just wish that day seemed closer, but we will do whatever we have to to get there!! We are taking it hour by hour and doing our best to stay strong for our little man... even though I think he is stronger then anyone I know!!
Goals for the next couple of days are to get him off of the vent and pain medications and after that hurdle is met we need to poop so we can start attempting to eat : ) This can be a huge struggle for CDH babies, but I feel like once we start eating we will be on a direct path to go going home. Keep the prayers coming, God came through yet again for Mr. Wyatt. Until next time...


  1. Keep the faith, Hilary! Thanks for posting. We think of you daily--hourly really.
    ~Barbara and Michael Welch

  2. We have been praying for you guys nonstop today! Continue fighting Wyatt!
